would you like a custom painting of your pet?
all artworks you see on this page have been painted by hand with watercolours. You could be lucky enough to win a painting of your baby for absolutely FREE- all you have to do is enter their photo & then sit pretty…
This page has no intension of competing with massive sources of information offered by highly established clinicians, vet clinics & pet shops. I’d rather embrace a personal touch & fill my articles with hand-painted anatomical diagrams & pet portraits. & your best friend could be next!
I especially love photos which are vet related – your pet in hospital, wearing a cone or bandage, something naughty they did which ended in a trip to the clinic…
thank you for helping me make this space a little more special than your average pet blog...
- scroll down & sign up
- await for your welcome email
- upload your favourite photo (jpg, png) of your dog or cat
- write a few sentences about your little one- a funny story, rememberable vet clinic experience or a cute quirk.
- yup...that's all!
- if your photo is chosen to feature in one of my articles, you will receive a PNG file AND a fine art print of my watercolour painting for absolutely FREE!