toxic tales- cherries

learn all about what is safe, & not safe, to feed your cat & dog. this article is all about cherries- how they can make your pet sick, what potential outcomes can occur, what treatments are available & importantly, what you should do if your pet ingests cherries.

are cherries harmful to cats & dogs?

description of cherry toxicity in cats & dogs

Whilst the fruit itself is okay, cherry pits, stems & leaves are harmful for cats & dogs.

how are cherries harmful to cats & dogs?

description of how cherries can be harmful for cats and dogs

The stems and leaves contain cyanide, which is poisonous.

Cherry pits could also cause an intestinal blockage, which may require surgery to remove. 

what should I do if my pet eats entire cherries?

description of actions to take if your pet eats entire cherries, pit, leaves or stem

Take your pet, straight to the vet!

If the cherries have been ingested within a two hour period, they will still be in the stomach (thank goodness!). The vet will most likely give your pet something to make them vomit. This ensures the pits, stems or leaves are eliminated from the body before causing any harm. 

& don’t forget some common sense here… if your 70kg Great Dane eats one cherry pit, there’s nothing to worry about. Unlike a 3kg cherry-loving chihuahua getting into the berry bowl!

what is the treatment for cherry ingestion?

description of treatments for cherry ingestion in cats & dogs

Unless you get your loved one to the vets in time to induce emesis (make them, vomit), they may have to stay in hospital for treatment. Treatment for intestinal obstruction is surgery to remove the pits from the stomach or small intestine. Whereas treatment for cyanide poisoning can involve long stays in hospital on IV fluids, gut protectants, and various other medications. 

will my pet be okay if they eat cherries?

description of outcomes which could occur if your pet eats cherries

If your pet has eaten the fruit of a cherry, that’s completely fine- so long as you removed the stem, leaves & of course the pit! & we’re talking a one off treat here, not a main ingredient of their diet. 

…cyanide toxicity and intestinal obstruction can be serious though, so if your pet has eaten cherry pits or a large quantity of leaves/stems, they could become very ill and should see your veterinarian as soon as possible. In most cases whereby treatment is uncomplicated, your pet should make a full recovery. 

this article was written by a veterinarian with over ten years clinical experience & peer reviewed by at least three other senior veterinarians. 

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something else to keep in mind...

Don’t forget some common sense here… if your 70kg Great Dane eats one cherry pit, it’s highly unlikely to cause a gastrointestinal obstruction. Unlike a 3kg cherry-loving chihuahua getting into the berry bowl!

If you’re ever uncertain about what is and isn’t safe for your dog to eat, speak to your local veterinarian for advice. 

referenced in this article


questions answered in this article

🐾 can my dog eat cherries?
🐾 can my cat eat cherries?  
🐾 are cherries safe for my dog?  
🐾 are cherries safe for my cat?  
🐾 will cherries make my dog sick? 
🐾 will cherries make my cat sick? 
🐾 what should I do if my dog eats cherries?  
🐾 what should I do if my cat eats cherries?  
🐾 will my dog be okay if they eat cherries?
🐾 will my cat be okay if they eat cherries?

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hi, i’m Dr Sarah Kiana

& this ↑,  is my girl Alys.

I have been practicing as a veterinarian for 10 years. I have worked in referral hospitals, emergency hospitals, general small animal practice & community clinics. 

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